Running Profitable Cafe & Coffee Business For Sale At Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Looking for a FRANCHISE of hotel, restaurants and food services,Chennai,India

Posted on: Mar 26 2018 12:28PM

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Business Description
We have a wide choice of roast and ground pre-packed coffee offering 100% pure coffee made from selected coffee beans for the coffee connoisseurs and judicious blends of Coffee and Chicory mix for coffee lovers who enjoy the sweet aroma and the rich taste of exotic coffee. After diligent processing, the beans are brought to our modern production unit in Chennai and roasted in the internationally renowned German Rapido Nova Roaster to perfection.  Extra care is taken at the grinding stage too, as it also plays a role in determining the taste of coffee. Then the ground coffee is packed in three layer metallic poly packs which helps to retain the freshness of coffee till it reaches the customer. This facilitates the company to reach out to coffee lovers living in the remote places so that they can enjoy fresh coffee.

Business Category
Hotel, Restaurants and Food Services

Business Sub Category
Cafes and Fast food Joints

Business Location
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Business Features

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 0
No of Employee : 0
No of Years trading :
Trading Hours From : 0:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 0:00 Hr

Company Details

Type :
Status : False

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 2500000-50000000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 1000000-2500000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : INR
Net Profit : INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

New Established Cafes and Fast food Joints Business for sale
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Profitable Cafes and Fast food Joints Business for sale
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Investment Opportunity in Cafes
Investment Opportunity in Fast food Joints
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Fully furnished Fast food Joints Business for sale
Franchise Opportunity in Cafes and Fast food Joints Business for sale
Franchise Opportunity in Cafes Business for sale
Reputed Fast food Joints for sale

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