Profitable Service Force 2 Wheeler Workshop Franchise For Sale In Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Looking For A FRANCHISE Of Automotive Business,Rajkot,India

Posted on: Jun 13 2018 5:08AM

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Business Description
Serviceforce is India's largest 2 Wheelers Multi-Brand workshop Chain. We take pride in being a unique start-up covered by BBC world and in being a case study in the curriculum at Haward University. Serviceforce is an avant-garde automobile clinic conceptualised to cater to the rapidly changing dynamics of 2 wheeler Market. Time, it says, is most precious resource and we offer out-of-box solutions primarily focused at saving time of our customers through our very unique concept - home service. Serviceforce adheres to major global benchmarks and standards, having secured the ISO 9001:2008 certifications.

Our innovations and new approaches in customer experience management, robust outsourcing capabilities, and dual-shore delivery model have made Serviceforce a preferred Auto partner across 148 locations in the selected verticals. With a talent pool of about 3850+ professionals, Serviceforce follows global standards of automobile service processes.

Business Category
Automotive Business

Business Sub Category
Repair & Body Shop Garages, Vehicle Washing and Drycleaning Services

Business Location
Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Business Features

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 0
No of Employee : 0
No of Years trading :
Trading Hours From : 0:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 0:00 Hr

Company Details

Type :
Status : False

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 2500000-50000000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 750000-1000000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : INR
Net Profit : INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

Franchise Opportunity in Car Repair
Franchise Opportunity in Car Wash
Franchise Opportunity in Auto Garage
Franchise Opportunity in Vehicle Washing
Franchise Opportunity in Auto Repair
Franchise Opportunity in Car maintenance
Franchise Opportunity in Auto Repair and Service
Franchise Opportunity in Drycleaning Services

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