Profitable Internet Services Franchise For Sale In Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Looking for a FRANCHISE of internet businesses,Kolkata,India

Posted on: Mar 28 2018 4:27PM

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Business Description
Skypoint India E Services Pvt Ltd - the one and only name of IT based any kind of work, whether it is making Recharge software, MLM software, Money transfer software, Travel portal development or any kind of development work like Web designing & Software development Skypoint India- has become a leading name in this industry. We have adept people, who are making this possible for us. And it is our

Business Category
Internet Businesses

Business Sub Category
Online Retailers

Business Location
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Business Features

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 2013
No of Employee : 25
No of Years trading : 6
Trading Hours From : 0:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 0:00 Hr

Company Details

Type :
Status : False

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 2500000-50000000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 750000-1000000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : INR
Net Profit : INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

New Established Online Retailers Business for sale
New Established Online Marketplace Business for sale
Reputed Online Retailers Business for sale
Reputed Online Marketplace Business for sale
Profitable Online Retailers Business for sale
Profitable Online Marketplace Business for sale
Working Online Retailers Business for sale
Working Online Marketplace Business for sale
Luxury Online Retailers Business for sale
Luxury Online Marketplace Business for sale
Running Online Retailers Business for sale
Running Online Marketplace Business for sale
Fully furnished Online Marketplace Business for sale
Fully furnished Online Store Business for sale
Franchise Opportunity in Online Marketplace
Investment Opportunity in Online Apparel and Accessories
New Established Online Retailers for sale
Reputed Online Marketplace for sale
Profitable Online Retailers for sale
Running Online Marketplace for sale
Fully furnished Online Marketplace for sale

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