Unisex Salon For Sale At Karnataka, Bengaluru, India
Business For Sale Of Services Business At Karnataka,Bengaluru,India

Posted on: Feb 12 2019 5:39AM

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Business Description
We are looking to sell our new established Unisex Beauty Salon located in a premier locality in Bangalore.
- We provide hair, skin and beauty care services which cater to men, women and kids.
- The salon is well equipped with 6 hair stations, 2 shampoo stations, nail art section, & 3 facial room, bridal room and 3 pedicure station.
- The salon is in a rented premise and the area is 1,700 sq. feet.
If anyone is seriously interested, please contact message me or leave your contact and i will get back to you. Price is negotiable. Thanks!

Business Category
Services Business

Business Sub Category
Barber Shops, Beauty Salons, Nail Bars and Salons and Accessories, Other Services Businesses

Business Location
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Business Features
Adjacent to Multiple Retailers
Attractive Business
Close to Local Amenities
Established Business
High Turnover
Large Business for Sale
Prime Location

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 2014
No of Employee : 30
No of Years trading : 5
Trading Hours From : 11:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 22:00 Hr

Company Details

Type : private limited
Status : True

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 2500000-50000000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 750000-1000000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : 5000000-0 INR
Net Profit : 2500000-50000000 INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

New Established Barber Shop Business for sale
New Established Beauty Salons Business for sale
New Established Nail Bars Business for sale
Profitable Barber Shop Business for sale
Working Barber Shop Business for sale
Reputed Hair Salon Business for sale
Reputed Nail Bars Business for sale
Luxury Barber Shop Business for sale
Profitable Beauty Salons Business for sale
Reputed Salon Accessories Business for sale
Profitable Beauty Parlor Business for sale
Luxury Beauty Salons Business for sale

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INR 3,500,000
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