Supermarket For Sale  At Tamil Nadu, Chennai, India
Business For Sale Of Supermarket And Convenience Store At Tamil Nadu,Chennai,India

Posted on: Feb 12 2019 5:40AM

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Business Description
Big double doors celler 1nos, big ice cream freezer 1nos, ac 4 nos, ups system, main server with 2 billing system, high quality wooden billing tables 2nos, high quality racks 40 nos, display rack 1nos, godown racks 4 nos, trolley 5nos,baskets 30 nos, cameras 8nos with 4TB hard disk, led lightly 30 nos, fans 10 nos, office tables 2nos, chairs 5 nos, with stocks worth 7 to 8 lac approx.

Business Category
SuperMarket and Convenience Store

Business Sub Category
Corner Store, Grocery store, Minimart, Supermarket

Business Location
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Business Features
Adjacent to Multiple Retailers
Attractive Business
Close to Local Amenities
Established Business
High Turnover
Large Business for Sale
Prime Location

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 2015
No of Employee : 45
No of Years trading : 4
Trading Hours From : 9:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 21:00 Hr

Company Details

Type : private limited
Status : True

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 1000000-2500000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 500000-750000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : 2500000-50000000 INR
Net Profit : 1000000-2500000 INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

New Established Supermarket business for sale
Reputed Supermarket business for sale
Profitable Supermarket business for sale
Running Supermarket for Sale
Reputed grocery business for sale
Profitable grocery business for sale
Minimart business for sale
Profitable Minimart business for sale
Reputed Minimart business for sale

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