Masala Factory For Sale Near Neemrana In An Industrial Park, 100 Km From Delhi And Jaipur
Business For Sale,Neemrana,India

Posted on: Apr 11 2019 12:53PM

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Business Description
Masala factory for sale near Neemrana in an industrial park, 100 km from Delhi and Jaipur. The factory has a fully automatic plant installed. The plant machinery can grind the raw materials and pack the final product. It is built on an over 15000 sq ft plot and has a residential complex built inside.

It is a perfect business opportunity and we are selling as we are moving abroad. You can get expect fast and easy returns and a scalable business. The factory can also be used for other businesses apart from masala business. The prices is negotiable, please contact us if you are interested.

The details of Plant machinery are as follows:

1. Plant 1: 2 Stage Fine Grinding Pulverizer(without air output): 25 HP, 80-120 kgs capacity per hour.
2. Plant 2: 2 Stage Fine Grinding Pulverizer: 30 HP, 110-150 kgs capacity per hour
3. 10 HP Pulverizer: 50 kgs capacity per hour
4. 7HP Pulverizer: 30 kgs capacity per hour

Business Category
Manufacturing Businesses

Business Sub Category
Food and Drink manufacturing Businesses

Business Location
Neemrana, Rajasthan, India

Business Features
Attractive Business
Established Business
Fully Fitted
High Turnover

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 1996
No of Employee : 0
No of Years trading :
Trading Hours From : 0:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 0:00 Hr

Company Details

Type : Sole Proprietorship
Status : True

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 0-100000 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 0-100000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : 0-100000 INR
Net Profit : 0-100000 INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

Reputed Food Manufracturing Business for sale
Working Food Manufracturing Business for sale
Investment Opportunity in Food Manufracturing
Investment Opportunity in Food Processing
Furnished Food Manufracturing for sale

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INR 25,000,000
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