Hotel/Resorts For Sale In Desom, Kochi, Kerala, India
Business For Sale Of Hotel, Restaurants And Food Services At Kerala,Kochi,India

Posted on: Aug 9 2018 9:14AM

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Business Description
Beautiful river facing property, measuring 60 cents in deed and 30 cents extra land. Just 6 kms from cochin international airport and 8 kms from aluva metro station. 1 km from aluva-Munnar state highway, all tourist places like kochi, athirappilly water fall, cherai beach, kodanad elephant cradle, malayatoor shrine, thiruvairanikulam temple, kumarakom, are with 1 hr drive., all rooms are with balcony, ac and river facing. Full- Fledged ayurveda block with two treatment rooms, hall and doctors room. And facilities like pathi, steam bath etc. Four servents room, office, managers room, reception and 75 seating hall etc. One xyo car and scooter. Dg set and solar energy support. Two restarants, kitchen, lawn, river side meeting area. Lot of fruit bearing trees and herbal garden available. Swimming pool and a fish pond.

Business Category
Hotel, Restaurants and Food Services

Business Sub Category
Cake Shop, Camping and Recreational Parks, Campsites, Caterering Services, Convinience Store, Hotels & Resorts, Ice Cream Parlours, Pizza Restaurant, Restaurants & Takeaways, Salad and Soup Bars, Sandwich Shops, Smoothie Bars

Business Location
Kochi, Kerala, India

Business Features
Adjacent to Multiple Retailers
Attractive Business
Close to Local Amenities
Established Business
High Turnover
Large Business for Sale
Prime Location

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 2013
No of Employee : 35
No of Years trading : 5
Trading Hours From : 10:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 18:00 Hr

Company Details

Type : private limited
Status : True

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 5000000-0 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 5000000-0 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : 5000000-0 INR
Net Profit : 5000000-0 INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

New Established Hotels & Resorts Business for sale
New Established Pizza Restaurant Business for sale
New Established Sandwich Shop Business for sale
New Established Catering Services Business for sale
New Established Camping and Recreational Parks Business for sale
New Established Convinience Store Business for sale
New Established Salad and Soup Bars Business for sale
Reputed Hotels & Resorts Business for sale
Reputed Sandwich Takeaways & Delivery Shops Business for sale
Profitable Hotels & Resorts Business for sale
Reputed Camps Business for sale
Reputed Smoothies bars Business for sale
Reputed Smoothies bars Business for sale
Working Resort Business for sale
Working Catering Services Business for sale

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