Garments Shop Business For Sale At Uttar Pradesh,India
Business For Sale Of Apparel & Footwear At Uttar Pradesh,Noida,India

Posted on: Mar 14 2019 5:15AM

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Business Description
Garments running shop
Very well established business for sale at a prime location
Fully fitted garment shop
Reputed garment shop business
Very good service
top garment shop business.

Business Category
Apparel & Footwear

Business Sub Category
Textile/ Cloth/ Ready- Made Garment Shop

Business Location
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Business Features
Attractive Business
Established Business
Fully Fitted
High Turnover
Prime Location
Town Centre Location

Operational Information

Year of Establishment : 0
No of Employee : 0
No of Years trading :
Trading Hours From : 0:00 Hr
Trading Hours To : 0:00 Hr

Company Details

Type : Sole Proprietorship
Status : True

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : 5000000-0 INR /Annum
Total Expenses : 2500000-50000000 INR /Annum
Gross Profit : 1000000-2500000 INR
Net Profit : 1000000-2500000 INR
Included Plant & Fixture fittings
Included Estimated Stock

Fully furnished textile business for sale
Fully furnished garment business for sale
Fully furnished ready-made textiles shop for sale
Fully furnished cloth shop for sale
Fully furnished Textile shop for sale
Running textile business for sale
Running garment business for sale
Running ready-made textiles shop for sale
Running cloth shop for sale
Running Textile shop for sale
Luxury ready-made textiles shop for sale
Luxury Textile shop for sale
Working ready-made textiles shop for sale

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INR 2,000,000
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