
Restaurant And Bar for Sale at Khon Kaen, Thailand

Restaurant And Bar For Sale At Khon Kaen, Thailand

Posted on: 12-Aug-2017

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THB 345,000


Business Description

Restaurant and Bar for Sale at Khon Kaen, Thailand - After 9 years trading. The number1bar and restaurant in Phuwiang ( KhonKaen) is now up for sale, as from June of this year, due to the owner and founder, wanting a change. The bar has been in operation for 9 years, and is the ONLY bar in town. there is no other competition. The bar serves western food, organizes pool competitions and quizzes, and has a regular bingo night on Sundays. We have a great supportive local customer base, and it's with their support that the bar has been able to operate for so long. There is also passing trade, and the best hotel in Phuwiang is right next door to the bar. The rent on the bar is 4,000 baht a month, with an additional option of another large unit next door, for a further 2,000 baht a month if wanted. The bar is busiest during Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec but ticks over nicely during the other months.

Commercial Catagory

Business Category

Hotel, Restaurants and Food Services
Pubs, Bars and Restaurant


Business Location

KhonKaen, Thailand


Operational Information

Year of Establishment : N/A
No of Employee : N/A
No of Years trading : N/A
Trading Hours From : N/A
Trading Hours To: N/A
Listing Type

Company Details

Type : Sole Proprietorship
Status : In Active

Profit & Pricing

Business Turnover : N/A
Total Expenses : N/A
Gross profit : N/A
Net profit : N/A

Listing Type

Business Expenses

Others : -

Contact Seller
